Friday, September 27, 2013

Poetry Night: Out the Cold North Wind

Out of the cold north wind
A stranger comes offering 
A pleasant smile to improve the mood
A cheerful hello to help the boredom
A friendly laugh to soothe the soul
A carefree listen to ease the worry 
A delightful walk to clear the mind
A helpful hand to aid the body
A kind heart to melt the ice
A stranger cheers up the winter

"You look good"

I am so tired of hearing all around us the phrase: "You are looking really good; did you lose weight?" As if losing weight somehow automatically equals you must be healthy. If you ask me that doesn't add up because when someone is slowly dying from something say, cancer, they lose weight. In terms of health weight lose should be viewed as a concern rather then a great thing.
  For me personally, people have been tell me for the past few months that I look great and "healthy" and all that jazz. I think I lost some weight don't really keep track but I do know that at this point I am the most out of shape that I have ever been.

This poem/video by Caronline Rothstein gets to heart of the disease our society as with being skinny, fragile, and unhealthy.
Think carefully about what you're say next time you feel the need to judge someone else body.


Friday, August 30, 2013

Why are you a vegan? Part 1:Let's do it like animals

Why are you a vegetarian/vegan? 
Is a question that big questions non-meat eating people like myself hear all to often. 
 If someone is asking you this then before you can even answer most people assume you must be a tree-hugging animal rights activists before they know anything else about you. There is no one size fits for being a veggie or humans in general. Everyone has their own reasons.
I choose this way of life for many reasons below is one of theses reason that came from my own logical reply to common statement against being a vegetarian/vegan.
Part 1:  "Animal eat other animals all the time" or "Killing and eating animals is a natural part of life because we are the top of food chain."
  Keeping this very simple and over looking that the fact that animals do a lot of other things we don't.  The next thing that seems obvious to me anyway is that the animals doing the animal killing and eating don't look anything like us. Humans got the short-straw in just about everything compared to other animals. We don't have good speed, claws, teeth, heighten senses or anything else that carnivores have. Sure we have made up for all that with our brains and tools but still we seem a lot close to a herbivore.

Tambako the Jaguar / Foter / CC BY-ND

Friday, August 23, 2013

Weekly dose of music

This week music video is one that means different things to different people. Rap/hip-pop in often misunderstood and filled with mixed messages but it also can be just as powerful as an other art form in telling a story or sending a message.
Tu Pac's Changes which was released posthumously and became one his greatest hits. In a similar vain to John Lennon's Imagine. Tu Pac sings about a place where there is no racism no hate and where we see each other as family. He covers a wide range of issues faced by people not just blacks but everyone and we still haven't solved these issues today.  Although we have lived to see a black president, we are still dealing with the same issues of racism and poverty.
So let's change the way we eat
Change the way we live
And change the way we treat each other

Of course let's not forget the fact that Tu Pac still lived by the gun, as gangster, and died by the gun. He after all had thug-life tattoo on his stomach.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Poetry Night: A Hunter of True Love


I was a wander, a drifter, roamer
with no home
destination unknown
Travelling Far
Couldn't see the way
Heading to West
Unable to find the Best
Seeking southerly
Didn't hear my other
Looking to the East
No able to get a net

I was a wander, a drifter, roamer
with no home
destination unknown
In the end you are the one
Now my search is done
I have search the world over
and you made me a believer
that now the game is  won
because you are the one
the greatest prize

Weekly Dose of Music

This week's  is a bit a dated but is is about doing things your own way.  (Sung by the original actors.)
"Makin' their way The only way they know how and
That's just a little bit more then law will allow."